March 21, 2004:�
�More on The Passion of Christ� by Kimber Kauffman, Senior Pastor
College Park Church.� Pastor again
emphasized that this is a story, and like many stories that have been told in
the past, there are lessons to be learned.�
Through it all we need to keep our focus on the important message of the
gospel, and not get distracted by things that might lead us astray in the
practice of our faith and our devotion to Jesus Christ, the author and finisher
of our faith.
At the conclusion of the service, Pastor read 2 Corinthians 11:3 and expressed his concern that we, like the people of Corinth, are in danger of being led astray from our devotion to Christ, and encouraged us to focus on Christ and live our lives for him daily.
we study this scripture passage from various translations, we learn that Pastor
Kimber, like the Apostle Paul to the people of Corinth, is afraid (deeply
concerned) that our minds (thoughts) will be (may be, are being) led astray
(lured away, seduced, corrupted)�
from a sincere and pure devotion to Christ (ESV,
NIV and NET),
from the simple purity of your love for Christ
from wholehearted and sincere and pure devotion
to Christ (AMP),
from the simplicity that is in Christ (KJV)�free
from pretence and hypocrisy (Strong)
from that state of knowledge and holiness in
which we ought to abide (Strong)
to Wesley�s
Commentary on this verse, �the simplicity that is in Christ,� is
that simplicity which is lovingly intent on Him alone, seeking no other person
or thing.
Kimber often states that we need to keep the main person (Christ) the main
thing in our lives, and that we need to focus upon Christ and live our lives
for him daily.
the conclusion of his message, Pastor played a video clip of a fellow pastor
from India who stated that because of our technological advances and the over
abundance of resources, we in America learn in 6 months what it takes 5 years
to learn in India.� The tragedy is that
many of us are caught up in our ever increasing desire for knowledge, but we
fall far short of the mark when it comes to applying what we learn and putting
it into practice.
spend some time discussing how we can apply 2 Corinthians 11:3 to our lives.
Take a 3x5 card and make note of what you would like to do �more of� and �less of� in the coming weeks, to focus upon Christ and live your life for him daily.