Be filled with the Spirit.
Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs.
Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord.�
Ephesians 5:18b-19 (NIV)
May 21-23, 2004:�
"Hearts of Worship Songs of Praise� a Musical Presentation by the
Spirit and Truth Choir and the College Park Orchestra directed by Eric
Anderson, Worship Pastor of College Park Church.� We thank God for the talents of the host of singers, narrators and
instrumentalist who filled our hearts with music and praise as we participated
together in worshiping our Lord.�
Drawing from
Ephesians 5:18b-19, we walked along a musical journey of expressing our joy in
the Lord as our hearts were lifted up with songs of praise, and we were
challenged to live our lives in a way that truly glorifies the name of our Lord
and Savior Jesus Christ.�
What a joy it is to
be reminded that the Lord leads us along life�s journey on a day-by-day basis,
as he did the children of Israel as they escaped the life of slavery in Egypt
and journeyed through the lands God would lead them.� And when our journey becomes difficult and we seem to have lost
our way, he gently and tenderly calls us�come to me, for my yoke is easy and my
burden is light. (Matthew 11:29).
And what a delight
it was to hear so eloquently presented the thunderous word�s of the Apostle
John as he describes the throne of heaven in Revelation 4:1-8.� We truly serve a God who is great beyond all
our imagination and is worthy of continual praise, for he is truly Holy, Holy,
Holy, the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come.
Let us read
Ephesians 5:1-21 together, and consider what the Holy Spirit may be teaching
and encouraging us to apply to our lives.
How Shall We Then Live?
Those who live
a life apart from God |
Those whose
lives are filled with the Spirit |
Do not desire the things of God. |
Desire to be
imitators of God, as dearly loved children of God. |
Follow their natural instincts and live a life of hatred. |
Desire to follow
the example of Christ, in living a life of love, just as Christ loved us. |
Live lifestyles that engage in sexual immorality, and all kinds of impurity
and greed. |
Desire to live
lives in purity of thought, word and deed, with a generous spirit of sharing
with others the blessings of God. |
Communicate with frequent punctuation of obscenity, foolish talk, and
course joking, which are out of place |
Communicate with
thanksgiving in their hearts.� Desire
wholesome uplifting and encouraging communication that builds one another up. |
Are cut off from any inheritance in the kingdom of God, and are
subject to God�s wrath because of their disobedience. |
Have an inheritance
in the kingdom of Christ and of God, and eternal life with the Lord Jesus
Christ. |
Are filled with themselves, and are easily deceived with empty words. |
Are guided by the
truth of God�s word, which holds the key to living a life filled with the
Spirit. |
Partner with others of like mind and encourage one another to do what
they are led by their natural instincts to do. |
Partner with
those who are led of the Holy Spirit and encourage one another to grow in the
Lord and live a life of faith. |
Live in darkness of thought, word and deed. |
Live in the light
of the Lord, and are a light unto others as Christ shines on them. |
Bring forth fruitless deeds of darkness, for it is a shame to even
mention what the disobedient do in secret. |
Bring forth fruit
of goodness, righteousness and truth in the full visible light of day. |
Are unwise and careless in how they live |
Are wise and
careful in how they live |
Make the most of every opportunity to encourage others to join with
them in their deeds of darkness. |
Make the most of
every opportunity to let their light shine, and positively impact the world
around them for the cause of Christ. |
View the world as having appeared without the divine work of God, and
that it is getting better and better.�
An evolving world in which the survival of the fittest prevails. |
View the world as
created by God and for his purposes.�
A world filled with a contrast of good and evil, of which we have a
choice in which direction to follow. |
Are foolish, do not understand what the will of the Lord is for them,
nor could they care less.� Like one
drunk on wine, they fill their lives with themselves |
Are wise, and
understand that it is the Lord�s will that they be filled of the Spirit,
living a life that is controlled by the Spirit and not of self. |
Are often ungrateful, frequently get caught up in grumbling, griping
and complaining, and running others down to make themselves look good. |
Seek to encourage
and build one another up in the Lord and can frequently be heard in praying
for one another, and singing praises to the Lord with psalms, hymns and
spiritual songs. |
Sing songs of love, with a focus on the physical aspects, and motives
of self gratification |
Sing and make
music in their hearts to the Lord, with thanksgiving to God the Father for everything. |
Live rebellious lives, and often have difficulty in submission to
others, and no recognition or reverence for God. |
Desire to live
faithful lives with reverence for Christ, and submission to one another out
of respect and love for the Lord Jesus Christ. |