March 13th, 2005: Joe
Bartemus, Pastor of Adult Education, preached a sermon that summarized Jesus�
work plan for bringing about his Kingdom. As Matthew 5-7 describes what it
looks like to live in the Kingdom of the Heavens, chapters 8-9 show Christ�s
Kingdom work in action. Mt. 9:35-38 summarizes these chapters in three
features: Jesus� job description (teaching, proclaiming, and healing), his
source of motivation (compassion), and his succession plan (God working through
men who are prayed into the harvest field).
1. Pastor noted that Jesus went to where the people were � he came and dwelt
among us and spoke in the synagogues (v. 35).�
a. If we are going to do mission work �where the people are� in 2005, where
then should we be going to be a witness? Should we expect people who need
Christ to be knocking at our doors or stepping into church?
b. What are some ways in your own sphere of influence that you can proclaim
Christ and his Kingdom and demonstrate his transforming power to a sin cursed
2. Application: Jesus is actively pursuing his Kingdom and is defeating
a. When in your life do you feel like Jesus isn�t having victory over evil? How can we respond in faith when it
seems like evil has the upper hand?
b. If Jesus has come to you where you are, and you have experienced the
gospel he proclaims, what implication does this have in regards to your ability
to daily have victory over sin (cf. Rom 6)?
3. Jesus� motivation for ministry was compassion � a love in action. He
looked upon the harassed and helpless, the shepherdless, and the ripe for
a. What if Jesus� ministering began in 2005 � who would be the �harassed and
helpless� that he would go to? What kind of interaction do you have with these
kinds of people?
4. Jesus sees potential us � even while seeing us at our worst � because of
his ability to transform lives.
a. What about this fact is encouraging in your own life?
b. How would our interactions with people be different if we viewed everyone
based on the fact that they are made in the image of God (they have intrinsic
value) and have potential to be used by God? What if we viewed everyone we came
across as a potential believer?
5. Jesus� succession plan is that we would pray for people who are driven by
the power of God to go into the harvest.
a. How does your prayer life for missions, evangelism, and the world need to
grow? What are some ways you ought to be contributing to the work of the
b. Why are we so afraid of witnessing to people? Why do we respond to
evangelism out of a guilt trip? Why don�t we look at evangelism as a wonderful
privilege to be a part of God�s work
of building up his Kingdom?