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Eugene and Joanne Kimble (1987)
         B.A., M.A., Ph.D.

Interpreting Jesus' Parables
A Concise Commentary on the Book of Isaiah
The Eternal Gospel in Light of Progressive Revelation
The Prophetic Time Frame in the Day of the Lord Prophecies
Biblical Theology: Hermeneutical Principles of Progressive Revelation
Alleged Discrepancies in the Bible

A Brief Biography of Dr. Eugene Kimble

Eugene Kimble was born on his grandfather's farm near beautiful Lake Cumberland in south-central Kentucky. He was saved at age 13 and called to preach at 14. After high school he served in the United States Navy for about 3 ½ years during the time of the Korean War. He received his Ph.D. from Bob Jones University Graduate School, where Dr. Timothy Lin was one of his professors.

Dr. Kimble is an ordained minister and President of Biblical Studies Ministries International, Inc. He is also one of several pastor/elders at College Park Church in Indianapolis, IN. College Park Church regularly enjoys God's blessing of about 2,500 worshipers each Sunday morning. He and Joanne have three grown children and ten grandchildren.
