“Your Mission’s Portfolio”


October 10, 2004: “Your Mission’s Portfolio” by Tom Telford, Church Relations Director - United World Mission (http://www.uwm.org.)  Preaching from Luke 19:11-26 Tom pointed out that we, like the servants of the man of noble birth, are to be investing what God has given us until Jesus returns, for it is the Fathers desire that every nation bow down to his son, Jesus.  We have a choice in using what God has given us in reaching the world for Christ.  We can either use what we have been given wisely, as participants in bearing fruit, or unwisely as passive spectators who are regarded in the parable as a wicked servant.


Application Questions: 


  1. What has God given us to invest for him?  Based on the parable in Luke 19:11-26, what does God expect us to do with what he has given us?


  1. Discuss the indicators, Tom presented, of a healthy Mission’s Portfolio. 


1.      Praying for missionaries:  How are you doing in investing your time in praying for those God has sent into the harvest?  Prayer support is not supplementary but absolutely essential to a healthy Mission’s Portfolio.  It is the essential key to world missions. 


a.      What do the scriptures say about praying for those God has sent?  John 17:20-21,  Ephesians 3;16-19, 6:18-20; Philippians 1:3-6; Colossians 1:3-14; 4:2-4; 1 Thessalonians 5:25; 2 Thessalonians 1:11-12, 3:1-2, Hebrews 13:18-19

b.      How much time do you regularly invest in praying for those God has sent into the harvest? 

c.      What would be the effects if we individually and collectively spent more time in doing so?

d.      What can we do to encourage one another in our flock group to become more active participants in praying for our missionaries?


2.      Reaching out to others where we live:  How are you doing in investing your life in reaching others for Christ in the area in which you live?  In Acts 1:8 we are instructed by our Lord to propagate His message beginning in the area we live.


a.      What do the Scriptures suggest our role should be?  Matthew 5:13-16; John 13:34-35; 2 Corinthians 5:20, Colossians 4:3-6, Philemon 1:6, 1 Peter 4:7-11.

b.      Are you engaged in building relationships as Christ’s Ambassadors?  If yes, whom are you claiming for Christ, and praying for God to use you in reaching them?

c.      Who are the non-Christians you are developing relationships with in order to bring them to Christ?

d.      What can we do to encourage one another in our flock group in reaching others for Christ?


3.      Reaching out to the world:  What is the level of your personal involvement in world evangelism?  What might we do to personalize our involvement?  Here are some thought starters shared by Tom in his message:


a.      Do something that will get you out of your comfort zone, like going on a vision trip (sponsored by the church), or participate in an intercity outreach ministry (i.e., Kid’s Church at Brookside Park or the Oak’s Academy, Wheeler Mission, Child Evangelism Fellowship, homes for the elderly, Crisis Pregnancy Center, etc.).

b.      Become actively involved in praying for missionaries we support as a church (i.e., include missionaries in our flock group prayer time, join a focus group that prays for specific missionaries the church supports, etc.)

c.      Sponsor indigent students who have a desire to go back into their country and reach their others for Christ in the area in which they live (i.e., NEGST or UETS student).

d.      Send special gifts to missionary kids, or monetary gifts to their parents to spend in whatever what the Lord leads.

e.      Donate books and school supplies for The Oak’s Academy, clothing for Liberia, etc.

f.        Eat an ethnic meal once a week, or go out together as a group once a month to experience foods of other cultures.


4.      Investing in the cause of Christ:  How are you doing in investing your financial resources for the cause of Christ?  We seem to not have any difficulty investing in ourselves…the American dream of everything for Meeeeeeeee. 


a.      When you dine at a restaurant, or stay at a hotel, do you generally give a tip for services received (i.e., waitress, waiter, maid service, bell boy, etc)?  If so, why do you give a tip? 

b.      What is the expected tip in most cases for services rendered?

c.      When people attend the services at church, do they do likewise in placing a tip in the offering plate?

d.      What does the Scriptures say should be our attitude toward giving of our financial resources to the cause of Christ?  (i.e., Matthew 619-21, 2 Corinthians 9:6-8)

e.      Should we view 10% as we do the posted speed limit signs, as a threshold of opportunity?

f.        When asked in heaven what did you do with the resources I gave you, what would you like to be able to answer?

g.      Prayerfully consider what God may be leading you toward in this area of your life.  Remember, you can’t out give God!!!


5.      Being willing to be sent, and/or send your children:  Are you willing to invest of yourself, and even send our own children, into the harvest?


a.      When Jesus looked over the people in Matthew 9:35-38 what was his heart’s desire?

b.      Are you willing to be used of Jesus in reaching the lost for Christ?

c.      If you had an opportunity to send even your own children, would you be willing to do so?

d.      What do you sense God is calling you to do in the area of missions?