Discussion Guide: Proverbs - Introduction

My son, if you accept my words and store up my commands within you…

then you will understand the fear of the LORD and find the knowledge of God. 

For the LORD gives wisdom, and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.  

Proverbs 2:1, 5&6 (NIV)


February 8, 2004:  “Proverb – Introduction” by Kimber Kauffman, Senior Pastor College Park Church.  Today pastor delivered his first message on a series on Proverbs with an introductory overview.  This book is considered wisdom literature, full of short, pithy sayings that explain truth in a very practical way.  This book gives hands and feet to the Torah, or “Law”, of Genesis through Deuteronomy. 

Discussion Guide

Here are some questions to guide your flock group in discussing the numerous applications that could be drawn from today’s message.


  1. Pastor dramatically presented the four main characters of the book to be [fill in the blank].  As you reflect on your life this past week, in which of the roles did you see yourself acting out?  In which of the roles did others around you see you acting out?


2.      What has been the benefit of Proverbs in your life up until now?  Any specific wisdom pieces that have helped you in your life on a steady basis?


  1. What place does the pursuit of wisdom have in your life?  What areas of your life are areas where you see yourself as “simple”? 


  1. In Genesis, Eve ate the apple because it had the appeal of “wisdom.”  What are the differences between this type of “wisdom” and the Wisdom of Proverbs and other wisdom literature?  (xref. James 3:13-18).  What areas of your life would you like to yield more to the Wisdom from Above rather than the wisdom from below?  What keeps you from doing it?


  1. The role of stories in the lives of the Hebrews was of utmost importance.  Stories like Jonah probably came from the interaction of salesmen, shepherds, and the elders of the community when they gathered at the City Gate.  In our day, however, interpersonal storytelling has become a lost art.  Are there any stories that have come from the Scriptures, or your life, that have taught you wisdom?  Share the story with one another and discuss the wisdom that can be drawn from those experiences or narratives.

Prayer Time Suggestion

As you conclude your discussion this evening, open your Bibles and read and discuss briefly Colossians 1:9-14, Ephesians 3:14-19, Philippians 1:9-11.  Then spend some time in prayer with your Bibles open, and pray the prayers of Scripture for Wisdom for one another.

Challenge for the Coming Week

Would you like to be amazed at what an awesome God we serve?  Apply Proverbs 2:1-6 this week by selecting 1-3 passages of scripture to memorize, meditate upon and apply in your everyday life throughout the next 2 weeks.  Then report back at our next gathering how God has impacted your life through their application.