Application Guide: “Who Are You Falling For? Pt. 2” (Rom. 12:1-2)


Aug. 28th, 2005: Kimber Kauffman, Senior Pastor of College Park, continued his series on worship with some powerful exhortations to the people of College Park. By way of introduction, he noted four key words and four key arrows (or directions) of worship. He then emphasized the individual’s view of worship as a way of life, which is largely as a response of the whole person to the mercies of God.


  1. The sign that self has been broken is true worship.
    1. Who do you serve? No really – we all know what the “right” answer is, but amidst all the people you answer to – your boss, manager, spouse, parent, government leaders, etc – is it obvious to others that you serve someone even greater?
    2. Take a moment to contemplate the content of your goals, hopes, daydreams, and thoughts. What do these reveal about the central focus of your life? Do you dream about a raise at work, fame, kids that stay out of trouble (i.e. – your reputation), a larger home, or are your thoughts captivated by God’s glory and the advancing of his Kingdom?
    3. What is the first thing you think about (and do) when you get up in the morning?
    4. Are you a spectator or participant when you come to church? In what ways do you need to repent for making Sunday morning a self-seeking event about pleasing yourself and striving for personal preferences?


  1. The four key words of worship: Spirit, Truth, Creator, Redeemer.
    1. How do you see these four aspects of worship in balance and at work at CPC?
    2. How are you worshipping God in these four areas in your own life?


  1. The four key directions of worship: God to Man, Man to God, Man to Man, Man to Self.
    1. Is there evidence of these four areas in your own life?
    2. How does the cliché, “I sing for an audience of One” measure up to this idea (cf. Col. 3:16)? Is it biblical to have this mindset when you come Sunday morning?


  1. Romans 12:1-2 – Worship is a way of life. It is a result of contemplating and coming face to face with the mercies of God. In light of his mercy, it is only logical to serve God!
    1. What are some practical ways we can make worship a way of life - in our home life, work space, free time, busy work, relationships, chores, etc?
    2. What do you think about the statement, “If you do not privately give yourself to God, you will come to Sunday morning awkwardly. You’ll be critical of those who are active in the worship service.”? What influence has your personal walk with God had on your corporate worship?
    3. If you are not worshiping God individually, is it possible to really appreciate corporate worship with the right heart?


  1. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.” (Eph. 4:3)
    1. Before coming to church, what are some ways you can prepare yourself to be aimed at God’s preferences and not your own?
    2. When coming to church, how can you better be focused on serving others rather than pleasing yourself?
    3. How do you need to better apply 1 Corinthians 13 to worship and the use of your spiritual gifts?