Application Guide:  “Treasures in Heaven” (Mt. 5-6)


May 8th, 2005: Pastor Kimber Kauffman, Senior Pastor of College Park Church, preached on the subject of rewards in heaven. All throughout the Scriptures, he noted, can be found the concept of storing up treasures in heaven. Pastor reminded the congregation that we are not only to serve Christ out of fear of his holiness or out of love for his goodness, but out of a desire to receive reward in heaven for our good works as believers.


  1. We will all be judged. Nonbelievers will be judged at the Great White Throne Judgment (Rev 20:11ff). Believers will stand before Christ (2 Cor 5:10). Christian leaders will be judged based on how well they built up the body of Christ (1 Cor 3:10-15; Heb 13:17).[1]
    1. If we truly believe, that we will one day stand before Christ and be judged, how will this affect our behavior or lifestyle?
    2. What practical ways can we be mindful each day that each day we should be living for Christ, that our lives should count for eternity, and that we will one day give an account for how we lived as believers?


  1. It is a sobering truth that we will be judged by God by the same measure we judge others (Matt 7:1-5). God takes very seriously the judgments, criticisms, and assumptions we make of other people.
    1. Why is it the Christians are stereotyped as the some of the most judgmental people in our culture? In what ways do you make hasty or sweeping generalizations about other people – be they individuals or people groups? Who are you often critical of and why? How often do you judge people’s motives without giving them the benefit of the doubt?
    2. One of CPC’s guiding principles states, “If we make a mistake, we make it on the side of love.” How should this principle guide our thoughts, attitudes, and assumptions about other people?


  1. Salvation affects one’s eternal position; Heavenly rewards affects one’s eternal possession. “The whole subject of rewards…is both a joyous and solemn theme and should serve as a potent incentive for holiness of life.” – Wilbur Smith
    1. Are you trying to serve more than one Master (Mt. 6:24)? In what, or where, are you currently storing up your treasures?
    2. If you were to die today, would you wish you had sacrificed more for Christ or done more to advance his Kingdom? Will you die with regrets about the example you set as a Christian or your failure to love others like Christ loved you? What needs to change in your life if you are going to store up treasures in heaven?
    3. Do you believe (hope) that it will be worth it spending your life serving Christ?


  1. We rejoice in rewards because God Almighty is glorified and pleased (cf. 2 Cor 5:9). Yet as we serve, we must also be mindful that even our “works” as believers do not enhance God’s opinion of us. It is by God’s grace that we can do good works (cf. 1 Cor 15:10). It is God working in us to do them (Eph 2:10; Phil 2:12-13; Tit. 2:12).
    1. How does God’s grace, even in our sanctification, dispel any pride or temptation to compare one’s spirituality with another’s?
    2. If even rewards are founded in the grace of God, what attitude should we have as we receive them? Who gets the glory?

[1] For a very thorough exegesis of 1 Corinthians 3:10-15 within its context of the role of Christian leaders, see D.A. Carson’s The Cross and Christian Ministry (Grand Rapids: Baker, 2003), pp. 75-84.