Application Guide: “Jesus’ Succession Plan” (Mt. 9:35-38)


April 3th, 2005: Kimber Kauffman, Senior Pastor of CPC, challenged us to consider how effectively we are praying for laborers and for the harvest. He noted that prayer is the most important key for sending laborers into the harvest who will advance the Kingdom of God. On the other hand, he also noted that we must act, we all must be witnessing and putting our faith into action.


  1. Pastor quoted William Barclay, saying, “Jesus Christ needs men…People will never hear unless others are willing to tell them.” Read Romans 10:13-15 & 2 Corinthians 5:18-21.
    1. How are you contributing to the advancement of God’s Kingdom (i.e. the spread of the Gospel of Jesus Christ) through your:

                                                               i.      Prayer life? Do you pray for our missionaries? Pray that you would see opportunities to be a witness? Pray for more laborers?

                                                             ii.      Witnessing in your own sphere of influence? Who are you currently trying to be a witness to in your family, work environment, neighborhood, etc? Do you take seriously the fact that there is a hell? Do you believe that people really are interested in hearing the Gospel message?

                                                            iii.      Giving? Are you willing to sacrifice your money and time above and beyond your tithe to support missionaries, feed the poor, etc?

    1. What are some measurable ways you can grow in these three key areas?
    2. How are you doing at carrying out the task of Jesus’ succession plan?

                                                               i.      What are some measurable ways you are growing as a follower of Jesus Christ? If you were to die today, would Christ consider you a disciple who tried to imitate his life within the context God has placed you?

                                                             ii.      What are some measurable ways you are training and equipping and praying for others that they may grow in their love and devotion to Christ Jesus? How are you making disciples (Mt. 289:19-20)?


  1. Pastor Kimber said, “Mature prayer always begins with God’s glory… It’s always about God’s will being done” (cf. Mt. 6:10).
    1. What are the subjects of your prayers? What do you spend time praying for?
    2. What would your prayers look like if you prayed for God’s glory, his Kingdom to come, and his will to be done both in your life and in the world?


  1. Meditate on this quotation: “We are continually striving to create new methods…to advance the church. We are ever working to provide and stimulate growth for the advance for the gospel. This trend of the day has a tendency to lose sight of the man… The church is looking for better methods; God is looking for better men…What the church needs is not more and better machinery, not new organizations, or more novel methods. She needs men and women whom the Holy Spirit can use, men of prayer, men mighty in prayer. The Holy Spirit does not flow through methods, but through men…men of prayer.” - E.M. Bounds,  Power Through Prayer
    1. How should Bounds’ thoughts guide the church in the way it “does” ministry?
    2. What are some ways we are getting too focused on the logistics (or methods) of church life that cause us to lose sight of what the church should be about?
    3. How can you apply this quotation to the way you view your involvement in ministry, your view of the purpose of the church, and the goals you have for your life?